National Wildlife Refuge Ostional


The Wildlife refuge is located on the Nicoya Peninsula, in the counties of Santa Cruz and Nicoya Guanacaste, in northwestern Costa Rica, some 360 km from San Jose.



The national Wildlife Refuge Ostional is considered the second most important nesting site of the sea turtle species Olive Ridley.

It has an extension of 468 terrestrial hectares and 8,000 maritime hectares, embracing a coastal strip of 200 meters wide including mangroves, which reach from Punta India to Punta dashes (16 Km).

Some of the relevant flora includes species of mangrove trees and other native species such as pochote, espavel, cenizaro and laurel. These serve as nesting sites for many bird species. The most representative animal of the Refuge is the Ridley turtle, but the Leatherback turtles and the Black Sea Turtle also spawn in the area. In addition, you can find wildlife such as raccoons, deer, wood storks, roseate spoonbills, sparrow hawks, crocodiles and bats.


Voluntary actions:

Volunteers can participate in efforts of managing and conserving of the resources in the related reserves:

  • Maintenance of facilities and green areas.

  • Collaboration in research.

  • Surveillance and monitoring of projects.

  • Computational work.

  • Beach cleanup campaigns.

  • Occasional reforestation campaigns.

  • Maintenance Work and environmental education in schools.

  • Collection and separation of wastes.


Services and facilities:

The house of volunteers has two rooms, each with three bunks for a capacity of six people. The house is equipped with toilets and showers. The administrative office of the Refuge has some tables and a dining area, with cable television and wireless internet. There is also phone that works only with a telephone card and the washing of your cloths can be made by hand in a stack available for that purpose.


Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Ostional

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Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Ostional 9.968259, -85.701599
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