GCS project – Fundecodes



Expansion of the GCS Project (Global Conservation Standard) for the Conservation Areas of the North Pacific, experience of Systematized and Vitalizing Work, for the three Conservation areas (ACT; ACG and ACAT)


The GCS standard becomes an opportunity to establish long-term financial mechanisms, whose distribution of benefits ensures the conservation of public or private forested areas and the promotion of selected or prioritized sustainable productive activities in the commercial buffer zone. With them we promote the possibility of managing funds for sustainable agriculture and that we can innovate in the face of climate change.

As a result of the validation mission in the field of members of the GCS Technical Panel, plus GIZ personnel, Administrative and Technical Personnel from the Three ACs, and Fundecodes administrative and technical personnel, a mission that was achieved through exhaustive work that included six months of arduous work and a field trip, the project proposed by FUNDECODES to the Global Conservation Standard is validated through the following Scheme:

The entire project area comprises three protected areas (AC), namely AC Tempisque (ACT), AC Guanacaste (ACG) and AC Arenal-Tempisque (ACAT). Together they have an area of 10,545 km2, which is 21% of the territory of Costa Rica.



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