Tourist Visitation Activity in Bolson

Through time the tourist activity is maintained in a constant flow in Bolson de Santa Cruz, by virtue of which, it is essential to orient oneself to improvement processes that allow both national and foreign tourists to enjoy the minimum conditions to obtain a visit. pleasant to the Cipanci National Wildlife Refuge.

This has allowed us to promote the economic and social development of populations surrounding the refuge, which benefit from the integration of a set of tourist offers. That is why we have proposed as a Foundation to protect the natural resources inherent to this refuge, through works and activities aimed at their preservation, sustainability and environmental balance.

Generating a socio-environmental development model that favors respect and harmony with nature.

For this reason, together with Inprotur, we have presented a proposal to INDER, in order to obtain financing to expand the Tourist offer, which we envision as a future opportunity to diversify the offer offered, among others, Horseback riding, learning tour, sighting of birds, scientific photography.




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