Cabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve


It is located at the southern end of the Nicoya Peninsula, Puntarenas province, and it is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on its western margin and by the Gulf of Nicoya on its eastern margin.



The Cabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve stands out in the great beauty of its landscape, being composed of densely covered mountains and rich marine ecosystems on the coasts. It is an almost unexplored biological area of great importance. There are a wide variety of tourist and educational attractions, as well as research opportunities at the Cabo Blanco Reserve. Some of these are:

  • Cabo Blanco Beach.

  • Swedish and Danish Path.

  • Cabo Blanco Island.

  • Marine coastal landscape -very varied-.

  • Primary Forest with remarkable trees.

  • Secondary Forest in natural regeneration.

  • Diversity of flora and fauna.


Voluntary actions:

You can participate in volunteer efforts for the conservation and management of the resources in the related reserves: Maintenance, Tourism, Research and environmental education.

  • Cleaning and improving the infrastructure of trails, bridges, the biological station and the parking lot.

  • Maintenance of facilities and green areas.

  • Beach cleanup campaigns.

  • Research cooperation.

  • Occasional reforestation work.

  • Environmental education in schools.

  • Collection and separation of wastes.

  • Attention, guidance and control of visitors.

  • Surveys implementation.

  • Monitoring and surveillance in projects.

  • Computational work.

  • Development of educational and outreach materials.


Services and facilities:

There is one house for the volunteers, with six rooms. Four rooms are equipped with two bunks for four persons in total and there are two rooms with three bunks for a capacity of six people each. From the house you have a gorgeous view on the ocean, especially in the morning. Facilities in the house include showers, toilets, drinking water, a washing machine, resting areas and satellite television.




Reserva Natural Absoluta Cabo Blanco

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Reserva Natural Absoluta Cabo Blanco 9.563215, -85.106964


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